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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

THE BOARD OF BURGESSES: Meeting Tuesday Night-Dr. Mead Offered a Suggestion for a Fire Alarm System-Amogerones Ask For a Bowling Alleys

Source: Greenwich Graphic. March 7, 1903. Page 1.

The Board of Burgesses met for their regular monthly meeting at their rooms last Tuesday evening. Several matters came up for consideration at this meeting, among them the question of the fire alarm system. Mr. B. E. Mead offered a suggestion to the Board for a change in the system. His suggestion was that the town be divided up into well-defined sections and each section should have a number. He thought the switchboard might be placed at the central telephone office and operated by central. The notice of a fire in any district could then be telephoned to the central office and the fire alarm be run by plugging the board.

The telephone system is always in order, and it is tested very often, and this would seem to be a sure and expedient method of ringing the fire alarm. Dr. Mead thought that the cost of maintaining an alarm system of this kind would be less than that required to keep the present system in shape. No action was taken upon the suggestion, but it is being considered, and if found it feasible, may be adopted.

A committee of the Amogerone Fire Company appeared before the Board asking for a bowling alley for their engine house. The Board seems to have had in mind, for some time, a place for  Amogerone where they could hold their meetings, and in which there would a bowling alley and other opportunities for amusement. The matter has not yet been settled, but it is probable that something will be done soon.

The other business of the evening was mere routine, consisting of the reading and acceptance of the bills for the month, and the other regular monthly work.

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