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Monday, October 21, 2013

'As In Old Colonial Days. Entertainment of the Ivy Guild' (1897)

Source: Greenwich Graphic. Saturday, February 17, 1897. Page 1, Col. 1.

Quaint Frocks Gown Modern Maidens -An Entertainment Full of Interest and Pleasure.

The entertainment given by the Ivy Guild of the Congregational Church on Washington's Birthday, was one full of interest and quaintness, both in the exhibition of relics and the costumes of the ladies who took part. It was under the management of Mrs. Henry Dayton.

Some of the dresses worn were used in the time of Washington, and were still in a remarkable state of preservation. The oldest gown to be seen was the one worn by Mrs. Thomas A. Mead, which was over two hundred years old, and was made of heavy blue brocade.

Other young ladies who wore quaint gowns were Miss Grace Child, Miss Edna Kimball, Mrs. Augustus Knapp, Miss Mary F, Dayton, Miss Julia Mead, Miss Clara Mead, Miss Jennie Mead, Miss Lillian Hitchcock, Miss Hait, Miss Katherine Rundle, Miss nannie Brush, Miss Alice Sampson, Miss Hattie Reynolds, Miss Mabel West, Miss Alice Mead, Miss Carrie Knapp, Miss Alice B. Fiske, Miss Ella Lyon, Mrs. R.J. Walsh, Mrs. W. H. Pullen, Mrs. Henry Dayton, Miss Susie Peck.

Mrs. W.H. Pullen wore a green silk costume over one hundred years old, with white bonnet; Miss Rundle, pink silk dress; Miss Lillian Hitchcock, green silk costume; Miss Julia Mead, pale gray silk dress; Miss Tillie Mead, old light silk dress; Miss Edna Kimball, light party dress, trimmed with red velvet; Miss Alica Mabel West, corn-colored silk; Miss Alice Sampson, gray silk; Miss Nannie Brush, lawn silk; Miss Hait, dark red plaid silk; Miss Alice Mead, brown spire; Miss Grace Child, yellow silk; Miss Carrie Knapp, organdie; Miss Alice Fiske, brown silk; Miss Hattie Reynolds, light silk; Miss Ella Lyon, white silk, trimmed with yellow; Mrs. Augustus Knapp, black silk with beautifully embroidered front; Mrs. Henry Dayton, changeable corn silk; Mrs. R.J. Walsh, black silk.

During the course of the evening a musical programme was rendered, which consisted of a violin solo by Miss Rebecca Wilder Holmes, with piano accompaniment by Prof. Anguish; a piano solo by Mrs. W.H. Pullen and Miss Susie Peck; a solo by Miss Edna Kimball, "Beauty's Eyes,' and for an encore 'Ben Bolt.'

The room had been prettily decorated with flags and blue and white counterpanes as drapery. The two tea tables were presided over by the Misses Katherne Rundle, Julia Mead, nannie Brush and Mrs. Augustus Knapp.

The hair of all the ladies who took part was dressed in old-fashioned style, with big tortoise shell combs.

There were very many interesting relics on exhibition, some of which were an old table used by General Putnam when he lived in the little cottage on Putnam Avenue, which still bears his name, loaned by Mr. F.A. Hubbard; also the looking glass the venerable "Put" is said to have used just before he made his leap down the hill, loaned by Miss Tillie Mead; a desk made over one hundred years ago, loaned by Mrs. Henry Dayton; a piece of ingrain carpet from Mr. Oliver Mead, whoch was in use seventy-five years ago, the material for the manufacture of the same having been raised in Greenwich; some old-fashioned jugs, an old cannon ball from Nelson Mead, a sermon delivered in Greenwich in1776 by Rev. Mr. Avery; a spinning wheel and chair over two hundred years old, by Mrs. Jabez Mead; a newspaper printed in 1800, a desk of Washington's; a parasol used in 1776; several pewter platters over one hundred years old; a fine exhibition of old china by Mrs. Hait, also some by Mrs. Henry Dayton, Mrs. John Dayton, Mrs. George Silleck. Mr. Fiske, the artist, had a splendid display of paintings and several old pieces of firearms.

The object of this event  was to further increase the amount provided for the fitting of electric lights in the church. About $25 was realized for this purpose.

The disagreeable weather which prevailed on that evening probably kept many away who might otherwise have attended.

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