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Monday, April 25, 2016

Obituary: Deacon Obadiah Mead (1878)

Source: Greenwich Observer. February 28, 1878.

Deacon Obadiah Mead who died at his residence in North Greenwich Feb. 20th, was the oldest person in town, being nearly 93 years of age. He is the last of the large family most of whom lived to an advanced age. Deacon Mead was a man of remarkable power of body and mind and he had never known a day's until his last sickness -his erect form and intelligent conversation would have done credit to a younger man and he totaled his remarkable memory till the last. There are few men who have so great knowledge of Scripture as he. He was very apt in his quotations and if asked where to find a certain passage could usually tell the chapter and verse and would repeat the connection, and his life showed his knowledge to be practical. No hurry of business caused him ___________ the family altar. Never did he __________ sanctuary when it was possible ______ be there. During his illness he _______ facing was borne with the most __________ patience, and he always had _______ thanks for every act of kindness ______. His funeral was attended by a ______ course of people. The services ______ -ducted by the Rev. Mr. Winter ________ fitting tribute to one so greatly ___________ respected. 

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