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Welcome to our news and history blog!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Let's Rally Together to Preserve Our Past: Annual Appeal

Dear Mead Family Descendants:

Today the Association is making its annual appeal for your support for the preservation of our ancestral cemeteries in Greenwich, Connecticut. 

Can you help? I hope you can.

The Historic Mead Family Burying Grounds Association, Inc., was initially founded in 1989 to maintain, preserve and protect three small ancestral farm cemetery sites in Greenwich. At one time all three of these sites were overgrown and neglected. 

That has not been the case for many years! In fact, the Association has served as a model for others to take on the task of preserving similar historic cemetery sites.

We need to raise funds to continue the perpetual care of the Cliffdale Road, North Greenwich and Relay Place, Cos Cob Mill Pond sites. This mainly entails lawn care and trimming around gravestones. 

Our goal is to raise $1000-$1500 to cover those costs for this year. Given the number of family descendants around the country and beyond I believe that any small donations will add up to attaining and perhaps exceeding our goal.

Presently I am pleased to report that we have attained 20% of our goal! Can you help us reach to the top?

Please make your checks out to History Mead Family Burying Grounds. Gail is my eldest sister who will be depositing checks received in our Greenwich bank account. 

Post your donation checks to Mrs. Gail Mead Fletcher, 43 Washington Mews, Port Chester NY 10507.

I will send each donor a personal acknowledgment and thank-you letter. 

Please contact the Association anytime at meadburyinggrounds@gmail.comI appreciate your kind donations and attention. 

Greenwich, Connecticut Turns 375 This Year!

Our ancestral home town, Greenwich, Connecticut, turns 375 years old on July 18, 2015. Mead descendants are invited and encouraged to renew our shared history by participating in planned events throughout the year.

Click this link for the official 375th Anniversary web site for more information.