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Monday, September 23, 2013

About Caucus Nominations (Seaman Mead)

About Caucus Nominations

Are Not Usually Private and Secret- Excluding Newspaper Men 



DEAR SIR: -In answer to your question as to nominations made for judges of the various courts in New Haven county, would say: All nominations have been made in a previously called caucus, and no nominations has been made at this session that was not a caucus nominations. We thoroughly understood that the committee on judicial nominations would insist that all nominations must be supported by a caucus nominations.

Yours truly,

Chairman, New Haven County Caucus

As chairman of the committee on judicial nominations I have required that all resolutions referred to the said committee should be caucus nominations.


Mr. Seaman Mead had the above published in this paper, the News, last week. We should judge that it was an attempt on his part to prove something. What, we cannot exactly make out. We don't know that anyone denies that caucuses are held for a nominations; we haven't heard that they did, but it doesn't say anything in the above communication about these caucuses being private and secret and that newspaper men are not allowed in them. We should judge that Mr. Mead is trying to show that the caucus, private and secret, at which Mr. Burnes was nominated judge of the Borough Court of Greenwich was not unlike other caucuses, and that they were a common thing in the legislature. 

THE GRAPHIC made the assertion and stands to it that the caucus, which nominated Mr. Burnes, was the first instance on record when a county caucus had been held for the purpose of nomination a candidate for judge of a town or borough court. If this is not true, will Mr. Mead prove it? And if he does, we will admit that we have been mistaken.

Mr. Mead's paper, the News, as was stated last week, published in the following:

"The Fairfield County Caucus was a private one. Two or three newspaper men and others, who sought admission, being excluded."

Mr. Mead doesn't claim, certainly, that all caucuses are private, and that  newspaper men and others are excluded, as in this case.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Funeral for Mrs. Solomon Mead

The funeral services of Mrs. Solomon Mead were held at her late residence on North Maple avenue on Saturday afternoon at half-past four o'clock. The train from the city was delayed about a half an hour, owing to an accident at Port Chester.

The spacious house of Mr. Solomon Mead was filled to overflowing with the relatives and friends of Mrs. Mead. The room where lay the casket was most appropriately trimmed with potted plants and palms. A quartette choir sang a number of hymns, and brief addresses were made by the Rev. Mr. Hall and the Rev. Mr. Choate.

The pall bearers were George S. Ray, B.M. Wright, Shadrach M. Brush, A.A. Rundke. The internment was in the Congregational Church cemetery.

Obituary: Mary Elizabeth Mead (Greenwich Graphic May 8, 1897)

Source: Greenwich Graphic. (Obituary) May 8, 1897. Page 1, col. 5

MEAD.- On May 6th, Mary Elizabeth Dayton, wife of Solomon Mead, of Greenwich, Conn., in the 61st year of her age. Funeral services at her late residence on Saturday, May 8th, at 4 o'clock, on arrival of the 3.03 p.m. train from New York.

Mary Elizabeth Mead
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Mead, wife of Solomon Mead, died in New York on Thursday, May 6, aged 61 years. She had been in feeble health for some time and with remarkable fortitude bore her sufferings. Of  a kind and cheerful disposition, she had endeared herself to a large circle of relatives and friends. Her husband and seven children who survive her, have their deep sympathy.

She was the daughter of David Dayton. Her children are Abram N. Mead, of California; Mrs. Judson I. Wood, of Ilion, N.Y., Mrs. A.I. Mead, of Greenwich; Mrs. B.M. Wright, of Orange, Conn.; Mr. S. Cristy Mead, of New York; Mr. Everett and Miss Sarah Mead, of Greenwich.

Funeral services will be held at her late residence on North Maple avenue to-day on the arrival of the 3.03 train from New York.

The following communication expressing sympathy and the estimation in which she was held by her friends, has been handed to us for publication:

"All who knew her gentle and retiring life and the heroism with which she had borne years of pain and all she had been enabled to be to her own family, and to her many friends, were deeply pained to learn of the death of Mrs. Solomon Mead on Thursday, May 6.

"Not in robust health for many years, yet always serene and uncomplaining; not of a temperament under any conditions, perhaps to have cared too much for society, so-called, caring always, most of all, to do the duty that lay nearest to her and to serve and bless to the utmost those whom God had given to her in special trust, devoted and tender and self-forgetful as only a most rare mother can be, faithful and gentle as a wife and reliable and loyal as a friend and neighbor. She served her day and generation as God gave her opportunity and gone forward bearing with her a wealth of love from her own family that few mothers receive, and that must increase as the years go on, and the tender memory of all who knew her gentle and brave life. And so, "Sleep sweetly, gentle soul, in peace."     J.C.R.