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Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The Year 2009 Concludes...

Internet Archive: Spencer P. Mead's Abstracts of records and tombstones of the town of Greenwich (1913)

As a follow-up to yesterday's posting of the Internet Archive's access to an electronic version of Spencer P. Mead's 'History and genealogy of the Mead family' visitors may also access and download Mead's 'Abstracts of Records and Tombstones of the Town of Greenwich (1913). This was the first comprehensive inventory of gravestone records and inscriptions in Greenwich's history. The book is divided into a listing individual cemetery sites with alphabetized inventories of those interred in Greenwich cemeteries as of 1913.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Internet Archive: Spencer P. Mead's History and Genealogy

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Come Christmas!

Friday, December 18, 2009
Removed Plots: Mead Plot at Byram Shore (Now at Union Cemetery)
One of these is identified in Spencer P. Mead’s Abstract of Greenwich Tombstones published in 1913 as the ‘Mead Plot on Byram Shore.’
Dated March, 1908 its location is given as “Near the Trolley Line a short distance east of Grigg Avenue.” Grigg Avenue is now St. Roch's Avenue.
Charles Hale authored the ‘Index of Greenwich Graves.’ It was compiled as a WPA Project in the early 1930’s.
The Hale Map Index on page 471 shows a cemetery in the vicinity, called the "Mead Plot on Byram Shore”, described in Mead's survey on Page 140 as “Near the Trolley Line a short distance east of Grigg Avenue”, which avenue is now known as St. Roch’s Avenue. The actual distance straight line is 0.07 miles. The area is described as “a driveway,” with graves apparently removed.
A survey by Aidan McCann, PLS, Soundview Engineering dated January 26, 2004 indicated that this long-removed plot was located off Charles Street between Josephine Evaristo Avenue and Hamilton Avenue.
Spencer P. Mead’s survey lists 12 persons buried there, the earliest being Jabez Hobby in 1823, who was joined by Abigail Hobby in 1847. Between 1839 and 1859 eight Meads were buried there, along with Sarah L. Martin 1849 and Mary E. Oliver, 1851.
The late Greenwich Town Historian William E. Finch stated that the graves were relocated to Union Cemetery.
The following is a listing of ancestors who were interred at this site:
Abigail Hobby, died June 16, 1847, aged 84 years, 4 months and 26 days.
Jabez M. Hobby, died December 23, 1823, aged 66 years, 11 months and 11 days.
Sarah L. Martin, wife of Jacob Martin, died May 30, 1849 aged 38 years, 3 months and 26 days.
Henry H. Mead, son of Jabez H. and Harriet Mead, died March 9, 1849, aged 2 years and 8 days.
Jabez H. Mead, son of Nehemiah and Mary Mead, died June 26, 1850, aged 46 years, 5 months and 15 days.
Mary, Widow of Nehemiah Mead, died March 15, 1859, aged 74 years and 4 days.
Mary Lucretia Mead, daughter of Jabez H. and Harriet Mead, born January 26, 1839, died May 29, 1839.
Nehemiah Mead, died December 4, 1833, aged 54 years, 3 months and 13 days.
Oscar Hobby Mead, son of Jabez H. and harriet Mead, born February 26, 1842, died December 18, 1845.
Sarah Ann Mead, daughter of Jabez H. and Harriet Mead, born November 11, 1844, died August 4, 1845.
William A. Mead, son of Nehemiah and Mary Mead, died February 20, 1849, aged 35 years, 7 months and 10 days.
Mary E. Oliver, daughter of William H. Oliver, died January 29, 1851 aged 16 years, 11 months and 10 days.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Obituary (New York Times) Spencer P. Mead, Lawyer and Historian

Spencer P. Mead (Buried in Putnam Cemetery, Greenwich, Connecticut)
New York Times Death Notice and Obituary: January 8, 1935
MEAD-On January 7, 1935. Spencer p. Mead in his seventy-second year. Funeral service at the home of his brother, Ephriam Mead, 240 Milbank Av., Greenwich, Conn., on Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2 P.M.
New York Lawyer Wrote ‘Ye Historie of Greenwich’
Spencer P. Mead, descendant of one of the oldest and most prominent families in Greenwich, Conn., died yesterday at the Fifth Avenue Hospital of a gall bladder ailment after a short illness. Mr. Mead, who lived at 828 Union Street, Brooklyn, was 71 years old.
Mr. Mead was an examiner of real estate titles for the law department of the Lawyers Title Corporation, 160 Broadway, having been with the company since 1903, at which time it was called the Lawyers Title Insurance Company of New York.
Born in the old Mead homestead at Mead’s Point, Greenwich, he was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Howe Mead and was descended from William Mead, who came from England to Connecticut in the seventeenth century. He was the author of a book on the genealogy of the Mead family and of ‘Ye Historie of Greenwich.’ He was graduated from New York Law School.
Mr. Mead belonged to the Sons of the American Revolution and Society of Colonial Wars. Surviving are three brothers.
Monday, December 14, 2009
"Should Have Good Roads" by Solomon S. Mead, July 4, 1903
Should Have Good Roads: Greenwich Graphic: July 4, 1903
Mr. Solomon S. Mead Gives Some Suggestions-Thinks There is No Place Like Greenwich
Editor of the Graphic:
I am an advocate of good roads to Travel over for the few remaining days that I will be among you, and I know that good roads are everything to any country or town. There is nothing whatever that will boom a place like good roads.
But to have them you must have them worked and graded by a person who is competent to do the job. If you want your gold watch repaired when out of order you must employ a man who understands his business of the job will be worse after a poor workman has had it in charge than when you left it in his care, and so you must have a man to work a road who has some knowledge of what is needed.
If for the past one hundred years the roads had been properly worked they would now be in number one condition and there would be no cause to complain. But they are worked just as they have been for years; if there is a wall in the gutter, instead of blasting it a huge break is placed across the road to carry the water from one side to the other.
And the roads are made up so narrow that one horse has to travel on the ridge and the other in the gutter, and no matter how much space there is between the fences the roads are worked to a single track and only occasionally a place where one can pass a loaded team in front of him or where one can pass a loaded team coming toward you.
The roads are all too narrow and I can show roads that have been narrowed up in the past two years from three to four feet. To me this is all wrong and no road should be worked less than twenty-five feet across and in no instance a break should be permitted on any road. If it is necessary for the water to pass from one side of the road to the other let it be done with a pipe; iron is best, earthen would do.
I know it is very hard for persons who have schooled themselves to work a road in the old way to change, but the change must come and will come if the present road makers will insist on the old way, give the roads to someone who will.
My idea of working roads would be to first draw a line on each side as far as it could be done conveniently and make the place straight if the distance was long or short, and where a rock interferes with the gutter blast it out. Have the road as wide as twenty or twenty-five feet and not round it up too much, but enough so all the surface water would run off its sides, not follow the wheel track. And above all never go into a road-bank or a lot of dirt or gravel when there are hundreds of hillocks all along the roadway that should first be removed, by ploughing and carting where it may be needed. I see hundreds of these knolls all along the roads I travel about Greenwich.
I feel very proud of the town that gave me birth and I hope to see it still improved and everyone that belongs in Greenwich should take an interest in its welfare. I never felt one half so proud of my native town as I do today, because I have seen more of good, and bad, that has been presented to my view.
Now let every body go for good wide and well-graded roads and if one will not do it get someone that will. Let the old foggies go.
I am truly disappointed in the working of the highways this season. That the roads are very rough and uneven and so narrow up from four to six feet that it is very dangerous for driving when one meets say half a dozen automobiles one after another, and the autos are bound to keep the road and on a one track road it is very dangerous driving, and the roads are so uneven and they seem to me worse then I have known them for years by and gone.
I will say here that the auto drivers are generally a class of hogs. An exception is Richard Carpenter, of the Upper King Street Road. He always gives all he can to the driving horse class and stops his auto if he sees any horse afraid.
I must say that I do not think I have miscalled or mis-classed the auto drivers. I find they in general do not pay any attention to raising the hand when coming, but on the contrary will keep as near the middle of the road as possible and often they will turn their machine right in front of the horse. I hope someone will put the law in force and bring the autos to know their place, and if they frighten a horse and upset the carriage they will run on the faster to avoid being known I wish every driver of a horse would see the law is complied with.
Hester Bush Mead: Resident's Contribution was Timeless (Greenwich Time 1993)

The following text was published in Greenwich Time's 'Looking Back' local history column authored by Jeffrey Bingham Mead. It was published on September 19, 1993.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Charles N. Mead Presents New Bell to Commemorate Deacon Ancestors (1919)
Six Generations of Meads, Deacons
Greenwich News and Graphic: February 14, 1919
Charles N. Mead Presents New Bell to Commemorate Deacon Ancestors
Announcement was made at the morning service of the Second Congregational Church last Sunday, that Charles N. Mead had presented a bell for the new spire, in memory of six successive generations of deacons in his family, serving this church for nearly 200 years.
It will be a victory and peace bell, bearing the inscription “Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth Peace, Good Will Toward Men.” It will be cast at the Meneely Works in Troy, and probably will be installed by Easter Sunday.
The old bell, which was taken down and placed in one of the horse-sheds at the rear of the church, while the spire was being rebuilt, had become cracked from being overheated in a fire which broke out in the sheds some time ago, and instead of the former clear tones of the bell, which were most pleasing to the ear, it had sounded muffled of late.
For many years the spire of this church has been a guide for seafaring men on Long Island Sound. The church itself stands on the highest point of and along the Sound between New York and New London.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Obituary: Isaac L. Mead 1913
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This is an old image of the Isaac Lewis Mead Building at the top of Greenwich Avenue. The building is still there. |
Monday, December 7, 2009
YouTube Channel in Development
Future content of the channel will include audio and visual images of ancestral grave sites with material based on historical research from various sources.
The Association encourages descendants to participate in the development of this channel. This include narratives about individual grave sites relying on obituaries, publish histories, land records, probate records, letters and correspondences.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Obituary: Col. Thomas A. Mead: Leading Citizen (1932)
Friday, October 30, 2009
Obituary: Jabez Mead 1886
Obituary: Jabez Mead
The Greenwich Graphic: April 17, 1886, page 3, col. 3
Another Old Resident Gone
Another one of the old citizens passed away this week, - Mr. Jabez Mead.
His death was not unexpected, for he has been an invalid for two years, though able to be about, often driving to the village himself from his home on the Post Road. For a year and a half Mr. Mead has been unable to lie down, and his sleep and rest were obtained sitting in a chair. Of late it was seen that he was failing and that his end was near. He died Monday night; his age was 77 years.
Jabez Mead was born, Dec. 21st 1808, on the farm, on the Post Road, where he has just died; his father lived there before him, and his grand-father, who was Gen. Mead, of Revolutionary fame, resided only a short distance away, on the farm now occupied by Mr. Tracy, the artist.
Mr. Mead married Marry Hobby, a daughter of Jabez Hobby, and four of their children are now living, -Mrs. Abram Reynolds, Mr. Lyman Mead, Mr. Herman H. Mead, and Mr. Arthur D. Mead; a large number of grand-children, and several great-grand-children.
During his life Mr. Mead held many prominent positions in this community, twice representing his town in the General Assembly; he was for many years town treasurer; he has also been selectman, school visitor and assessor.
He was a man universally liked and respected. Of genial disposition, he held a place in the hearts of the people and all mourn his death. He was a man of broad views, and exceedingly found of travel, and until ill health caused him to remain at home, was accustomed with his wife to take an extended trip almost every year, and being a careful observer, he had a wide knowledge of the country.
His funeral took place from the 2nd Congregational Church, Thursday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Porter officiating. There was a large attendance. The pall bearers were Messrs. Alfred Bell, Isaac H. Mead, Jos. G. Mead, Eliphelet Husted, Alex. Mead and Stephen Peck. The remains were interred in the 2nd Congregational church cemetery. Requiescat in pace.
Obituary: Seaman Mead 1915
Obituary: Seaman Mead
The Greenwich News & Graphic: Friday, July 2, 1915.
Hon. Seaman Mead Died Last Wednesday
Has Been Identified with Greenwich Business and Social Affairs for Many Years--Funeral To-Morrow
Death claimed one of the old residents of Greenwich on Wednesday when Seaman, son of the late Thomas A. and Hannah Seaman Mead, died at his home on West Putnam Avenue, following an illness of a short duration.
The deceased was born in the old Mead homestead in the year 1837. He was a descendant of John Mead, who came to the United States from England in 1635. Amos Mead, the great-grandfather of the deceased, was a surgeon in the French and Indian War and his grandfather, Richard Mead, served in the Revolutionary War.
Mr. Mead's life in Greenwich has been associated with public affairs. He was sent to the General Assembly four times; he served twelve years on the State Board of Agriculture at the St. Louis, Pan-American, Buffalo and Jamestown Expositions; he served on the board of assessors of the Town of Greenwich for twenty-two years; he was a borough assessor for twelve years; chairman of the Republican Town Committee for twelve years; a director of the Greenwich Trust Company and of the Rippowam Manufacturing Company.
The following children survive the deceased: Susan H., Louisa M., Amelia W., Thomas and Seaman M. Mead.
The deceased was born on the Mead homestead which included what is now Edgewood Park, Brookside drive, running down Greenwich Avenue to the point where the St. Mary's Catholic Church now stands. He was reared on that farm and attended schools in the neighborhood, his first teacher being Mr. Loundsberry. Subsequently the deceased attended the Greenwich Academy from which he graduated.
Two years of his life after graduation was spent on the large farm in Stanwich owned by his family. In his agricultural pursuits Mr. Mead was always successful. He ever took deep interest in Agriculture and aided in its advancement throughout the state.
Mr. Mead inherited many of the traits which brought his ancestors into prominence and gave them the distinction they merited. He was of the same religious faith and political complexion as his forefathers. Ever an ardent Republican, he cast his first presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Hester Bush Mead: An Uncommon Artist?

Saturday, October 3, 2009
Milo Mead's Will… “with papers pinned on”
by Jeffrey Bingham Mead
Every family, no matter how large or small, has its share of eccentric souls. Milo Mead was no exception. The Greenwich native lived all of his life in the Byram section of town.
His eccentric ways made him something of an enigma in Greenwich. He never married, but died with a substantial amount of land in his name. Over the course of his adult life he deeded plots in the area he named 'New Lebanon.'
Milo Mead’s gravestone is located in the New Burial Grounds Association Cemetery next to the Second Congregational Church, Greenwich.
The piece below comes from the Greenwich News-Graphic shortly after his passing:
The will of Milo Mead of New Lebanon has been placed on Probate at the Probate Court. It has some peculiar features beside that of giving practically the whole property to two mission societies. Several clauses in the original were scratched out, and papers with Milo Mead's signature were pinned over them.
The value of the property is not accurately known, but is supposed to amount to more than $100,000 in real estate bonds and mortgages.
The original will was made on September 4, 1888, and in it Mr. William M. Ritch was named as executor. The will, which is on probate, reads as follows:
I, Milo Mead, of the Town of Greenwich, County of Fairfield, and State of Connecticut, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following.
1st: I will that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid by the executor hereinafter mentioned.
2nd: I give, devise and bequeath to my brother Charles money sufficient to pay half his claim to his father's estate with interest.
3rd: I give, devise and bequeath to my sister Hannah five hundred dollars.
4th: I give, devise, and bequeath to my brother Mark five hundred dollars.
5th: I give, devise, and bequeath to Agnes S. Smith five hundred dollars.
6th: I give, devise, and bequeath to Agnes Wright, daughter of George Wright, dec'd, two hundred and fifty dollars.
7th: I direct that all of my property be sold by my executor hereinafter named within two years after my death.
8th: I give, devise, and bequeath the remainder after paying my bequests and legacies above mentioned to the American Missionary Association and the American Home Missionary Society, both located in the city of New York, to be divided equally.
9th: I hereby constitute and appoint William M. Ritch executor of this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this fourth day of September in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight-hundred and eighty-eight. Signed and declared and sealed by me the said Milo Mead as his last will.
Milo Mead L.S.
And testament in presence of us, who in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names
Sylvester D. Hill
William Talbot
Willis M. Ritch, Jr.
A paper was pinned on clause 3 containing the following: As I have outlived my sister Hannah, I cross off her name as one of the heirs. Milo Mead. The clause was run through with a pen.
Over clause 4 was pinned a paper as follows: As I have outlived my brother Mark I cross off his name as one of the heirs. Milo Mead. The clause was also struck out by the pen.
Over the fifth clause the following was pinned on: Jan. 17, 1900. As I have outlived Agnes S. Smith I this day cross off her name from my will, not from any disregard to her. Milo Mead. The clause was struck out.
Over the witness clause another paper containing the following was pinned: New Lebanon, Sept. 22, 1894. As Agnes Wright is about to be married to Edward C. Fischer I cross her name off my will. Milo Mead.
Still another paper and evidently the latest one was pinned over the attest clause, which read as follows: It is my wish in case of my death, that the Danish Independent Club and Societies of New Lebanon should have plenty of time to pay the mortgage on their building, notwithstanding the limit of two years for the settlement of my estate, in my will, let it run indefinitely according to circumstances by paying the interest. Milo Mead.
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Epitaphs on the Gravestones of the Mead Family in Greenwich, Connecticut
Originally published Spring/Summer 2001 by Jeffrey Bingham Mead
If there is any place where time stands still, and where history lies unruffled by the passage of time, it's in a burying ground or cemetery. Calmness, stillness, placidity, and serenity characterize these hallowed settings.
History stands poised by changing trends; the weather-worn stones stand in defiant indifference. Strolling among the graves of our Mead ancestors is a fascinating experience. That's especially true for those seeking to unlock the dim mysteries of our heritage.
Many Mead ancestors are buried in other cemeteries in the Town of Greenwich, Connecticut. A number of these stones are carved with epitaphs. They tell us many things, ranging from particulars about faith in God, tributes to departed loved ones, records of military valor, and much, much more. These have been transcribed from the tombstones, and a few are reproduced here for the enrichment of our family descendants and friends. The name, date of death, and burial site is listed.
Whether the intent is to reinforce moral standards, or record achievements and legacies, epitaphs continue to elicit curiosity. The most expressive and informative inscriptions on Greenwich gravestones voice lament, outline lifetime achievements, teach lessons to the living reader, and offer timely and bewitching warnings from times past.
Lucy, wife of Titus Mead
died April 11, 1804
aged 78 years.
New Burial Grounds Association Cemetery, next to the Second Congregational Church
Here lies a mother kind
A wife most dear;
In her manners mild
Friendship sincere.
Catherine, wife of Jonathan Mead
died May 1, 1841
aged 55 years & 15 days.
Round Hill Cemetery
Dearest Mother thou hast left us
And thy loss we deeply feel
But tis God that hath bereft us
He can all our sorrows heal.
Lewis Mead
died May 7, 1830
aged 30 years, 9 months & 25 days
The Old Burying Ground at North Greenwich
The scene was tranquil and serene
No pain in his look was seen
The Savior smil'd and dispel'd the gloom
And sooth'd his paings to the tomb.
Charity Mead, wife of Joshua Knapp
died November 16, 1842
Knapp Burying Ground, Round Hill
By her integrity, disinterested benevolence, faith and charity, she exemplified the Christian Religion. The death came suddenly she was entirely resigned. Her mind clear and serene, filled with the presence of God, she anticipated meeting her departed friends to enjoy with them the presence of God.
Devoid of envy, selfishness and guile
Resting on Christ with every calm delight
Thro' death's dark vale she passed
without a tear
And faith & hope exchanged for
blissful sight.
Hannah, wife of Darius Mead
died May 5, 1836
aged 65 years, 10 months & 28 days
The North Greenwich Congregational Church Cemetery
Blessed are the dead which die in
the Lord from henceforth.
Be ye also ready for in such an hour
we think not, they Son of man cometh.
Deliverance Mead
died May 3, 1785
67 years
Putnam Cemetery, Greenwich
Oh death! how sudden was thy wait paid
No time allow'd to take a last adieu
This hour in health the next a corpse
was torn from this world his friends
no more to view.
Mead Burying Ground, North Greenwich
Died January 29, 1795,aged 29 years.
The body must ascend to earth above
it came by the spirit to God who gave it.
Jared Mead
who perished on the Hudson River
in the sinking of his Schooner the JONATHAN BORAM
by the steamer FRANCIS R. SKIDDY.
Died October 14, 1852, aged 36 years & 3 months
New Burial Grounds Association Cemetery, next to the Second Congregational Church
Husband thou art gone to rest
Thy toils and cares are o'er
And sorrow pain and suffering now
Shall ne'er distress thee more.
Mrs. Keziah Mead, wife of Deacon Abraham Mead
Died April 12, 1826
New Burial Grounds Association Cemetery next to the Second Congregational Church
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
From henceforth yea saith the Spirit
That they may rest from their labors
And their works do follow them.
Two infant sons of Daniel S. & Huldah Mead
One born April 29, 1838 and died April 30, 1838
The other born January 6, 1842 and died January 9, 1842
New Burial Grounds Association Cemetery next to the Second Congregational Church
Suffer little children to come
Unto me for of such is the
Kingdom of Heaven.
Son of Sanford & Cynthia F. Mead
A member of CO. 1 10th Regt. C.V.,
Having passed through the Battles of Roanoke & New Bern, N.C.
Died of Typhoid Fever at New Bern, N.C. on
Aged 21 years, 5 months, 3 days.
New Burial Grounds Association Cemetery next to the Second Congregational Church
God smiles on valiant soldiers
Alice, wife of Amos Mead
Died February 17, 1815
Aged 29 years, 11 months, and 7 days
Union Cemetery of the Second Congregational Church
The kindness of her disposition
Endeared her to all her acquaintances
She filled up her life with usefulness and
Duty. Supported her last sickness
With Christian fortitude and had left
In her friends a well grounded hope.